Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Best Breast Pad Review

Leaky boobs.... actually leaky doesn't even describe it...more like a fountain, or a geyser, or old faithful, except less faithful and more just whenever they damn well please, usually at the most inconvenient times. I love breastfeeding and watching my little nugget get chubby and be nourished right from his dear old momma's milk jugs. That being said it can be slightly challenging at times. The main culprit is leakage, lots and lots of leakage. I am only 6 weeks in and I have gone through 4 boxes of breast pads and a failed attempt and the washables. I figured I would just try a different brand every time to see what I liked the most. The first ones I tried were the Lanisoh brand, at the time I really felt like there should have been something better out there. The main thing I didn't like was the visibility through my nursing bras and shirts.  Other than that the absorption and the sticky pads were pretty good. The next brand I tried was Nuk brand. They were a lot larger and they only had one sticky pad. They were very absorbent but basically just a large round disk with no shape which made them even more of a problem with moving around and showing through clothes. Next up was Avent by Phillips, these were my least favorite and the least absorbent. If this pad was moved a little off to one side the one side would fill up and then leak instead of just equally absorbing all over the pad. No Bueno. The last brand was Babys R Us. I feel like these are just knockoffs of the Lanisoh but not as good. So maybe the moral of this story is the grass aint always greener. The next box I buy will be the Lanisoh or if they are out, like they were last week then the Nuk would be my second choice. Oh and the washables are seriously useless which makes me so sad because the amount of paper products we go through is not ok! p.s. it took me two hours to write this post #mommyprobs

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