Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6 weeks postpartum

Don't hate me if your postpartum was horrible but the last 6 weeks have been really great. I read so many pins and crazy articles about how horrible birth and postpartum was going to be. It actually inspired me to share my story because although its not this easy for everyone I wanted to share with all the new mommas out there that it really isn't as horrible as people make it sound. I already wrote a post about the birth of my son so this one will focus on the last 6 weeks since his arrival. Overall the last month and a half has been the absolute best time in my life. I am lucky enough to be staying home with my baby and soaking up every little snuggle, sound, face and cute moment. That being said there is of course the not so fun stuff that comes with birth. The bleeding, the peeing, the soreness, the late night feedings and the gamut of issues that breastfeeding can bring. My approach to recovery was basically just laughing off the issues. At the end of the day I was just so happy to be done being pregnant and finally have my babe that nothing phased me. I have always known that breastfeeding was going to be the way I wanted to go. I tried not to stress about it and just let nature guide us. There is so many negative articles about how hard it is but just know that although it may be hard for some people that doesn't mean it will be hard for you. My baby and my body knew what they were doing even if I didn't. There is the whole leakage thing but I already have you covered there with my breast pad review post. The strangest thing that happened to me after giving birth was the bladder numbness... I really don't know what else to call it because I literally couldn't feel myself pee (I did however feel the burn.. holy shit  I mean pee).  Therefore I peed my pants...Mommy diapers here I come. Luckily the feeling started to return about two weeks after birth although I still feel like my bladder is a lot weaker. Kegels are my new bff. The bleeding is annoying but pads have come a LONG way since I was in 8th grade, so thats exciting. The Always Infinitec are actually very thin and very absorbent. The best part of postpartum was watching the scale slowly go back down to reasonable territory. I gained 40 pounds...I gave birth to a 7 pound 8 Ounce baby, a whole lot of fluid, and a 4 pound placenta.... I came home 8 pounds lighter then I went the doesn't work out. So if that happens to you don't cry! Within the first week I began to lose all the fluid and extra stuff they pumped in me at the hospital and by 4 weeks I had lost a full 30 pounds. The last 10 I think I am going to have to work a little harder for.  My body is not anywhere close to something I recognize but I can complain about ditching 30 pounds and finally being able to sleep on my stomach. Mt stretch marks have begun to fade but at least for this summer a one piece and I have gotten reacquainted. I will keep you posted on my journey back to my skinny jeans. Overall my hope for all the miserable excited new mommas awaiting their bundle of joy is to not stress because you may be like me and it won't be nearly as bad as the scary things you read online!

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